

Microscale AMS 14C measurement at NOSAMS
Pearson A, McNichol AP, Schneider RJ, Von Reden KF, Zheng Y (1998) Radiocaron 40(1):61-75

C-14 AMS measurements of sub-100 μg samples with a high-current system
Von Reden KF, McNichol AP, Pearson A, Schneider RJ (1998) Radiocarbon 40(1):247-253

Variability in radiocarbon ages of individual organic compounds from marine sediments
Eglinton TI, Benitez-Nelson BC, Pearson A, McNichol AP, Bauer JE, Druffel ERM (1997) Science 277:796

Radiocarbon “dating” of individual chemical compounds in atmospheric aerosol: First results comparing direct isotopic and multivariate statistical apportionment of specific polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Currie LA, Eglinton T, Benner BA, Pearson A (1997) Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 123:475-486

Vibrational spectra and assignments for trans-3,4-difluorocyclobutene.

Craig NC, Hawley SE, Lee LV, & Pearson A (1994) Spectrochimica Acta (A), Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 50, 191-201.

Radiocarbon evidence for autotrophic metabolism in marine planktonic Archaea